Ndiabaro Production
Ndiabaro Production est une star up de conception, de production et de réalisation d'oeuvre audiovisuel et cinématographique destinés aux chaînes de télévision, de radio, les webs et aux particuliers.
Kissal Association
Kissal Association est une structure crée vers ses années 2013 par des jeunes passionnés du hip hop au Nord du Sénégal Thilogne Matam pour le développement des cultures urbaines
Maison de l'Oralité et du Patrimoine KËR LEYTI
Kër Leyti réceptacle des patrimoines du continent. En Afrique, les richesses sont innombrables. Mais la plupart de ses richesses ne sont pas palpables. Elles sont immatérielles. Elles résident dans la manière de vivre, la manière de faire… la manière d’être. Elles sont diverses et ont une valeur immense pour les communautés. Seulement avec la modernisation, l’appropriation de ces richesses et valeurs tend à disparaitre. La Maison de l’Oralité Kër Leyti se donne pour mission de contribuer à l’amélioration de la collecte, de la conservation, de la vulgarisation et de la recréation des arts de l’oralité et de savoirs du patrimoine immatériel. Il vise à permettre aux artistes, acteurs culturels et aux populations africaines et les voisins du monde de mieux connaître la vraie valeur et la richesse qu’offrent les savoirs traditionnels d’Afrique.
Kassika Management
Kassika management est une structure créée par une jeune femme de 31ans native de la verte casamance en vu de venir en aide aux jeunes artistes de ce dernier à savoir les musiciens, les comédiens, les slameurs, les graphistes, les deedjays ect en leurs offrant un accompagnement dans tout les plans pour le développement de leurs projet artistiques
Digitoonz Afrika
Since 2015, the creative and cultural label Kanarimagik has been producing content to raise awareness, inform and transmit knowledge, using drawings, comics, animated videos and other fun media, in paper or digital format, for young people (boys and girls aged 5 to 18), their families and educational mediators (parents, teachers, etc.).
"Digitoonz Afrika" has the singular ambition of making Senegalese comics known in Africa and in the world via a "Webtoon" platform entirely dedicated to the promotion of these digital works. This project will also enable a hundred or so enthusiasts and professionals from the sector to make themselves known and benefit from comprehensive training on the creation and production of comics (scriptwriting, storyboard development, production of sets and characters, creating vignettes, etc.).
Cinéma du fleuve
The GSCD's ambition is the operational implementation of development projects through culture in rural Africa. It is committed to the preservation of artistic heritage, the reinterpretation of mythologies, dialogue between cultures and friendship between peoples. Its members are artists and professionals from the world of culture and development.
In order to educate the younger generation about the moving image, to allow local populations to see films in favourable conditions, but also to create social links and spaces for reflection while supporting African cinema, the "Cinéma du Fleuve" project proposes to bring cinema to rural areas. The construction of an open-air cinema and an educational room in Mboumba will allow the screening of African cinematographic works as well as international heritage films.
Galsen Electronic
Kaani is a cultural association that produces international events such as Dakar Music Expo and Black Rock, and is also in charge of the ElectrAfique evenings, the collective with which it works to develop the Galsen Electronic project.
The "Galsen Electronic" project was conceived as a driver for creation, inclusion and development. It intends to set up solid links between the Casamance scene and its neighbouring city of Dakar in an effort to decentralise cultural activity that is too concentrated in the capital. The project will provide remote populations with training programmes in electronic music as well as creative spaces through the organisation of artistic residencies.
Festival International de Théâtre de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - FITAO Casamance en Scène
Through its animation and awareness-raising activities in Africa, the association participates in citizen development. Since 2007, it has organised the annual international West African theatre festival "Casamance en scène", which has become a platform for training and artistic and cultural promotion.
The cancellation of the 2020 edition due to Coronavirus, followed by the introduction of a curfew, turned the organisation and running of the festival upside down. Instead of being held over a week, in 2021, the highlights were spread over several months, and the performances went beyond the walls of the Alliance Française to take over the courtyards of the houses in the Yamatogne neighbourhood. Today, the project intends to perpetuate this new formula, which has proved to be more effective in terms of promotion and distribution among the population.
The Yennenga Centre is the first cultural centre dedicated to cinema in Senegal. A true incubator, it offers training, support for the creation and distribution of films and audiovisual material. It aims to promote local cinema, accessible to all, and to introduce the younger generation to the impact of the image on society.
In 2019, the Yennenga centre launched "Cinexale" to develop a culture of cinema and the image among a young audience. During the first year, 25 children were able to participate in a creative programme, at the end of which 3 short films were made. The Yennenga Centre has been awarded a development fund in order to continue this initiative, to enable more children to benefit from it and to launch a film club specifically for 6-12 year olds.
Institut Mousso
Founded in 2006 in Senegal, Karoninka is a renowned film production and directing company committed to the empowerment of women. Its recognition extends beyond the borders of Senegal, both in Africa and in Europe.
The aim of Institut Mousso ("woman" in Bambara) is to promote education for all and to develop female leadership in rural areas. It is within this framework that training sessions in photography techniques and audiovisual production will be organised in the most isolated areas, in order to encourage the socio-professional integration of women. In the long term, the aim is to give young women the opportunity to discover sectors of activity other than agriculture.