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Association Culturelle Clinik'art

The association Clinik’Art aims to use its resources to help promote culture and art with...

Art au-Delà du Handicap (ADH)

The association ART AU DELÀ DU HANDICAP (Art Beyond Disability) aims to promote the personal...

NYH Concepts

Fashion and art have always been closely linked, and this connection formed the starting point...

Cinéma numérique ambulant Burkina

The Cinéma Numérique Ambulant (CNA) is a non-profit cultural association that has been screening African...

Naija Tales

Mega Arts Pluz Nigeria

Mega Arts Pluz Nigeria is a cultural and creative organisation deeply committed to the discovery...

Association jeunesse unie et développement durable (AJUDD)

The Association Jeunesse Unie et Développement Durable (United Youth Association for Sustainable Development – AJUDD)...

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Presentation of the AWA programme

TheACP-EU Culture Programme: Support to the cultural and creative sectors in West Africa – AWA (Art in West Africa), benefits from the financial contribution of the European Union and the support of the Secretariat of the Organisation of ACP States. Implemented by the consortium formed by the Institut français and the Centre Culturel Kôrè Ségou (Mali), its ambition is to sustainably support the structuring of the cultural and creative industries in 16 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo) and to boost their competitiveness

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Art in West Africa
Art in West Africa


countries in West Africa


million euros in funding


e-learning modules


Beneficiaries of the "Structuring Fund for Cultural Operators


Beneficiaries of the "Fund for the promotion of West African cultures

With the financial contribution of the European Union and the support of the OACPS Secretariat –
Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States