
As a producer of events and promoter of creative initiatives, Umané Culture participates in the development of Burkina Faso's artistic heritage, particularly in the field of music. From local work to international cooperation projects, Umané Culture works to professionalise artists.

The "Numéric'Arts" project aims to encourage collaboration between technological start-ups and cultural and creative companies to develop digital solutions that will facilitate the digital transition of companies in the sector and allow cultural and creative products to adapt to new modes of consumption. To support this digitalisation, "Numéric'Arts" also plans to create a platform for the promotion and marketing of quality local musical and audiovisual productions.

Kaduna Fashion Show and Art Exhibition

NYH Concepts is a cultural enterprise with a focus on art and fashion in Northern Nigeria. Always striving for innovation and quality creation, it aims to make Kaduna State a place of opportunity for artists and designers, and a unique destination for African art and fashion.

The KAFART Kaduna Fashion and Arts Exhibition aims to showcase local creative excellence. In order to create more professional opportunities for Northern Nigerian artists and expand their audience, NYH Concepts envisioned a platform that would allow these same designers to showcase their skills, products and promote their services, both nationally and internationally, well beyond the scope of the exhibition.


The Théâtre Soleil is a cultural association working to develop theatre for young audiences and to promote artistic and cultural education. Its mission is governed by the creation, training and production of shows for young audiences and all audiences in disciplines such as theatre, puppetry and storytelling.

Convinced of the usefulness of art for the individual construction and cultural identity of the child, the "Sosongo" ("the right way") initiative wishes to increase the range of quality shows for young audiences. It also works to involve schoolchildren in the process of artistic creation and to develop the creative spirit of educational staff. Through its activities, it contributes to the reinforcement of citizenship, social cohesion, the prevention of extremism and the fight against terrorism.

Of Being and Becoming: exploring language and identity in the African cultural space using VR

Open Arts is a collective committed to promoting arts and creative activities. As the organiser of the Hausa International Book and Arts Festival (HIBAF), the foundation prioritises the artworks and stories of people whose voices have been excluded from the global conversation.

The project aims to digitise the meetings, exhibitions, performances and other activities of the 2nd edition of the HIBAF festival in order to archive them and, above all, to recreate them in virtual reality. If the objective of this event is to open discussions on the Hausa language through history, music and arts of the past and present, its VR version will give it more resonance and will allow it to seduce a new public which, thanks to this technology, will be able to immerse itself and wander through the festival in Northern Nigeria, from anywhere in the world.

"Ateliers inventifs" - performance phase

The Min'Art association was founded in 2017 under the impulse of young artists eager for new forms of creation more in line with societal changes. Today, it is expanding its actions to include intervention and cultural mediation projects, as well as training and introducing young people to theatre and dance.

This project follows on from the programme of workshops in favour of young people that the Min'Art association has been developing in the districts of Conakry for two years. Within this framework, 3 distribution centres will be set up in 3 neighbourhoods that do not usually receive any cultural offerings, but which will host contemporary live performances for one year. This project is the first phase of a distribution programme that will be extended to other areas of the city in the following years.

Festival International de Théâtre de l'Afrique de l'Ouest - FITAO Casamance en Scène

Through its animation and awareness-raising activities in Africa, the association participates in citizen development. Since 2007, it has organised the annual international West African theatre festival "Casamance en scène", which has become a platform for training and artistic and cultural promotion.

The cancellation of the 2020 edition due to Coronavirus, followed by the introduction of a curfew, turned the organisation and running of the festival upside down. Instead of being held over a week, in 2021, the highlights were spread over several months, and the performances went beyond the walls of the Alliance Française to take over the courtyards of the houses in the Yamatogne neighbourhood. Today, the project intends to perpetuate this new formula, which has proved to be more effective in terms of promotion and distribution among the population.


The Yennenga Centre is the first cultural centre dedicated to cinema in Senegal. A true incubator, it offers training, support for the creation and distribution of films and audiovisual material. It aims to promote local cinema, accessible to all, and to introduce the younger generation to the impact of the image on society.

In 2019, the Yennenga centre launched "Cinexale" to develop a culture of cinema and the image among a young audience. During the first year, 25 children were able to participate in a creative programme, at the end of which 3 short films were made. The Yennenga Centre has been awarded a development fund in order to continue this initiative, to enable more children to benefit from it and to launch a film club specifically for 6-12 year olds.

Valorisation des contenus numériques du Mali à travers la création et la production de jeu vidéo

BAMABIZ production is a communication, audiovisual and event production organisation. Its vocation is to be a laboratory for incubation and innovation in the creation and distribution of digital content and educational video games inspired by African culture.

This training and creative residency project is a logical follow-up to the 3rd edition of the Malian Video Game and Digital Festival, for the professionalisation of young people in the video game sector. Its objective: to train 12 girls and boys in the techniques of this industry and to distribute the content resulting from the creative residency at the next "Bamako Games Play".

Mon panégyrique, mon identité culturelle

The mission of the Humanist Writers Association of Benin is to make writing, books and reading tools and channels for socio-cultural development in Benin and Africa. It aims to become the leading book organisation in Benin, impacting at least 50,000 people by 2025 through various actions.

The "Akô" is an African custom from oral literature, a series of words of a laudatory nature that recounts the origins and achievements of a person, family, ethnic group or clan. In the face of modernity and industrialisation, this Beninese tradition is under threat. To safeguard it, the project intends to identify, collect and publish (books and CDs) clan panegyrics and train 30 young storytellers and slammers (15 women and 15 men) in composition and declamation.

Les Rencontres Musicales Africaines (REMA)

Identity, creativity and commitment are the values of La Cour de Naaba. Founded in 2007 to promote music in Burkina Faso, this association wishes to "make music a true vector for sustainable and visible social development on a daily basis. "

The Rencontres Musicales Africaines project is defined by its collaborative values and is based on a genuine sharing of "best practices". It advocates the promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities and also wishes to act in favour of the employability of young people. These annual business-oriented meetings are organised around a topical and strategic theme for the sector, as illustrated by the REMA 2022 topic "African music, a new ecosystem: players, professions, tools. "