“Sete Sóis Sete Luas” (Seven Suns Seven Moons) is a Lusophone and Mediterranean festival organised in 30 towns in 12 different countries to promote the diversity and originality of musical cultures. The association aims to create original artistic productions involving Cape Verdean musicians and to promote international mobility for these musicians.
The project consists of creating 4 cultural centres dedicated to protecting, promoting and disseminating traditional music on all the Cape Verde islands. 16 musicians (4 per island) will be trained to manage the centres as cooperatives and offer programmes featuring traditional music, gastronomy, teaching workshops and cultural tourism.

Kriol Jazz Festival

Founded by José Da Silva, producer and manager of Cesaria Evora, Harmonia LDA carries out cultural development projects through both music and audiovisual production, as well as organising events such as the famous Kriol Jazz Festival and the Atlantic Music Expo trade show.

A victim of the pandemic, the Cape Verdean cultural sector is struggling to recover. In an attempt to revitalise this still very fragile economic sector, the project aims to relaunch the "Kriol Jazz Festival". After 10 years, it has become a key event in jazz and world music. Reviving it will allow the local population to live off this economy (revival of tourism and events created around the festival), and will also allow African and/or Caribbean artists who have not been able to perform for two years to return to the stage.

"Maremusica", production and distribution of music from Cape Verde

Highly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cape Verdean cultural industry, and even more so its independent music industry, is in danger of disappearing. To save this popular heritage, Maremusica proposes to revive traditional music in Cape Verde by relocating the entire production chain to the archipelago. From identifying new talent to the creation of labels, including the opening of recording studios and the organisation of tours, this project involves the creation of around a hundred jobs (musicians, technicians, communication, digital, etc.) and guarantees the safeguarding and revival of the popular treasure that is Cape Verdean music.

A look at planned productions
- Production of 3 albums: an established artist in the Cape Verdean musical tradition; and two young talents, male and female
- Production of a major work of traditional Cape Verdean music (Mornas) with the Symphony Orchestra of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, from Portugal
- Creation of digital platforms and uploading and monetising online content
- Creating jobs in the sector and ensuring income for artists and their families
- Attracting new investors

Focus on Maremusica, Produção, edição e distribuição musical
Founded in 2016 by musician and writer Mario Lucio, former Cape Verdean Minister of Culture, Maremusica's main objective is the creative and financial independence of Cape Verdean artists, the protection of traditional music and the discovery of new talent.