Based on the observation that age-old ways of sharing knowledge and values are gradually being forgotten in favour of rapid urbanisation and the rise of social media, the association “Promotion des Arts au Mali” (Promoting the Arts in Mali, PAM), also known as “Culture en Partage” (“Shared culture”), is dedicated to supporting cultural creation and sharing it with as many people as possible, especially the younger generations.

The work of Culture en Partage consists of bringing together figures from the cultural sector (theatre, dance, music, visual arts, publishing, etc.) and giving them international exposure. Providing employment for culture professionals, making African creation more accessible to as many people as possible and helping to showcase African cultures are just some of the association’s goals.

Its projects include La Maison des Solutions (The House of Solutions), set up in a cultural centre in Bamako, which is best described as a hub for cultural creation and technological innovation.
The two key actions resulting from this project are the Musée initiatique (“Museum of initiation”), which is aimed at cultural institutions and is part of the movement to present African artworks by going beyond the scope provided by traditional exhibition design (through the use of virtual reality, for example) and radio drama, an incubator for audio creations in African languages broadcast on radio and web-radio stations.

The Laboratoire d’agriculture urbain (Urban Farming Laboratory - LAC de Lassa) is a production studio working on climate issues and the protection of biodiversity in Bamako. Its team offers training and workshops on sustainable development and urban farming practices, as well as cultural, art and craft-based activities.
The aim of this project is to support image education and the development of digital dissemination resources for Malian cultural assets, by encouraging the practice of pottery. It hopes to promote expertise, raw materials and ceramic-making techniques.

Since 1999, Centre Soleil d'Afrique has sought to champion culture as a meeting place and approach cultural diversity as a source of tolerance and a way to bring populations together.
The project aims to make the digital arts an effective vector of cohesion, development and greater community spirit. It trains around ten young artists in the different digital art techniques in order to increase their competitiveness and support them throughout the value chain (creation, production and screening). The project is built over three stages: Training, Creation + Production and screening activities in public squares and at festivals.

Gsk Btp Consulting

GSK BTP CONSULTING propose des services d'événementiels, consultant, Arts de Scène, Management culturel, Publicité / Marketing, IMMOBILIER,....

Hakili So

L'Association Hakili So est à but non lucratif, créée en 2017 par de jeunes maliens amoureux d'art et de culture. L'Association a pour but de soutenir toutes les actions tendant à promouvoir l'Art, la Culture, l'esprit Citoyen, la Démocratie et les droits humains au Mali. Depuis, nous collaborons avec V4T A au Mali dans le cadre de coachings artistiques dans 10 cercles du Mali où nous assurons un coaching permanent pour la formation des artistes sur le terrain en technique artistique et en techniques basiques d’administration de leur carrière. Notre mission est de faire la promotion du slam au sein de la société malienne en général et auprès des jeunes en particulier en l'utilisant comme un vecteur idéal de transmission de messages et un support privilégié de sensibilisation. C'est aussi un moyen de permettre aux jeunes de s'exprimer pour les sortir de leur cadre habituel et de prendre contact avec d'autres cultures dans une optique de métissage, de développer le cercle restreint des slameurs afin de créer un véritable mouvement artistique malien et sahélien. A ce titre, nous avons réalisé plusieurs projets allant dans ce sens.

La Fabrique des Femmes du Mandé

Faced with the difficulties and precariousness of African cultural stakeholders, and in particular women artists, as well as women in rural communities, Côté Cour works to promote and put arts and crafts at the service of local development, by increasing women's production capacities and distribution possibilities.

"La Fabrique des Femmes du Mandé" is a vocational training project in rural areas structured around five arts and crafts workshops: Bogolan dyeing, sewing, organic soap making, recycling and digital technology. It aims to provide fifty Malian women with skills in the creation and distribution of their products, with a view to their economic empowerment and the creation of an environment conducive to the education of girls.

Aw Djigui

Created in 2014, Street Movie encourages access to culture for vulnerable populations, in a commitment to equal opportunities and poverty reduction. Originally created to reduce inequalities through the promotion of street cinema, today the association has developed around the promotion of Malian culture in all its diversity.

"Aw Djigui" is a project to support the development of a local cultural dynamic initiated by the creation of the "Journées Culturelles" of the Street Movie association. Set up in the 1008 Logements district (on the outskirts of Bamako), it aims to support local initiatives, promote traditional crafts, encourage entrepreneurship and vocational training, particularly for young women, in order to make them financially independent.

Foto School

Yamarou Photo is an association of photographers that is helping to consolidate Bamako's position as the capital of African photography, through training and the democratisation of this artistic practice among general public. It aims to create a space for dialogue between young people around photography and to build a framework for meetings between national and international photographers.

"Foto School" is an image education project aimed at schoolchildren. In line with the government's policy of promoting art in schools and colleges, the project aims to strengthen the skills of educational stakeholders (teachers, school administrators, educators, etc.) in visual arts teaching techniques, and to develop image culture and citizenship among young people.

Plastik Toxik Partout - Pour un monde d’éco-artivistes

Famu DANSE believes in the transformative power of culture and art, both on a societal and economic level. Its flagship project "Parole de Corps" is aimed at the socio-professional inclusion of young people with hearing impairments through the performing arts, and enables them to participate in professional productions, as dancers and actors, in Mali and beyond.

"Plastik Toxik Partout" is a committed project that enables artists to integrate environmental issues into their work. It contributes to strengthening the role of the artist and the place of art in raising awareness. The project brings together eco-artivists who denounce pollution and warn the general public. At the end of the project, 53 dancers (24 girls, 29 boys, 41 of whom are deaf) will have developed their practice to integrate the notion of ecology. The 9 new creations, street performances and installations will reach more than 8,000 people

Valorisation Talent de Tombouctou

Essakane Productions was created in 2010 to meet the professionalisation needs of the team behind the Timbuktu Festival. Since then, it has developed and taken on projects in artist management, event management and organisation, and audiovisual production and broadcasting, notably for the Cultural Caravan for Peace.

The "Valorisation Talent de Tombouctou" project aims to identify artists among disadvantaged populations in isolated regions or in zones of conflict. After offering them a residency and supporting them in the production and distribution of their work, Essakane Productions will do its utmost to bring these talents to light through national and even international partnerships, by broadcasting live shows and using new music streaming platforms.