The association Clinik’Art aims to use its resources to help promote culture and art with a view to the social, economic and personal development of people in Togo and Africa more widely.
The project Théâtre Chez Vous (Theatre at Home - TCV) was created to enable artists to continue working through the COVID period while reducing the risks of spreading the virus. The aim of this edition is to broadcast five shows in the five regions of Togo, with at least 15 broadcasts per region. The project also aims to strengthen the capacities of theatre companies in each region and create a national network to make theatre and the arts accessible to people from all levels of society.

The Association Nord Ouest Cultures was founded in January 2019 and officially recognised in April 2020. Its aim is to work towards developing healthy relationships between populations through strategies that include sharing reliable information on cultures, training leaders and representatives on living together and intercultural dialogue, conducting studies and organising symposia.
The project “WACOM: West African Culture On the Move" consists of setting up and running a virtual space for artistic and cultural information for West Africa, with the creation of three cultural websites in each country (Burkina Faso, Togo, Ghana).

The Association AFRICA UNITE is a Burkinabe organisation that works in the fields of academic guidance, professional and cultural training for young people and the organisation of cultural and early learning activities for children.
The project of the Association Africa Unite aims to boost the circus arts sector in the Hauts-Bassins region. It includes four steps: a training session for 10 teachers, art-based action across 3 isolated sites, the production of educational documents and the presentation of group performances at the International Festival of Circus Arts.

The “Au Nom Du Slam” collective was formed in 2014 by the 10 finalists of the international slam competition “The Spoken Word Project”. This cultural and artistic association aims to promote slam and raise awareness through this practice.
BABI SLAM is an international slam festival in Abidjan, the 7th edition of which will take place in 2023. It was founded by the “Au Nom Du Slam” collective with a view to elevating the practice of slam and raising awareness on matters of public interest. It aims to promote a change in behaviour among populations for a fairer, more tolerant and more environmentally-conscious society.

The cultural association Koumakan was founded in Conakry in 2017 to promote creativity as a driving force for development. Koumakan is one of Guinea’s most dynamic cultural associations, with over 10 years of experience in the cultural sector!
The project aims to give Guinean school pupils a grounding in their culture by helping them learn about and practise storytelling. It raises awareness among teachers about the role of storytelling in the transmission of culture and values, and gives pupils a greater understanding of Guinea’s oral tradition, as well as a renewed interest in reading.

The Association Jeunesse Unie et Développement Durable (United Youth Association for Sustainable Development - AJUDD) is an organisation governed by national law in Burkina Faso, founded in 2019. The AJUDD aims to set an example for young people in terms of solidarity, patriotism and citizenship. Its key mission is to strive for more responsible, more civic-minded and more united young people.
Its main aim is to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The AJUDD also strives for access to healthcare, quality education, the promotion of cultural and environmental entrepreneurship, the prevention of gender-based violence and the promotion of human rights.

The association ART AU DELÀ DU HANDICAP (Art Beyond Disability) aims to promote the personal development and fulfilment of people with disabilities through art and culture.

“NOUSSONDIA” is a project that aims to teach dance, theatre, music and sign language to 60 children with disabilities and 20 children without disabilities from several West African countries. The project promotes inclusive education and artistic talent in people with disabilities.

The ACMUR Burkina collective was founded in 2002 with the aim of structuring, developing and perpetuating street art in West Africa. Made up of artists working in different disciplines, the association strives for a higher level of professionalisation and artistic standards.
The project's goals are to re-create two performances on the themes of democracy and integrity, set up a circus tent as a venue for shows and training, produce these shows and take them on a national, regional and international tour with a newly-founded arts booking agency so that they can be shown throughout Burkina Faso and in Europe.

Femmes en création

The Kadam-Kadam Association is active in the artistic and cultural, social and educational fields, and at times also in the health sector. Its mission is to contribute to the promotion of culture as a human right and a factor in the socio-economic development of children in Togo and Africa.

Initiated in response to the absence of women in the arts, the "Femmes en création" project is a platform for training, research, creation and promotion in the dramatic arts for 6 female actors, 3 female visual artists/scenographers and 6 female administrators. Following a diagnosis of the local situation, the project will work to overcome obstacles to the continuity of the careers of women artists, and then work towards their professionalisation.


Ankata means "forward" in Dioula. Located in Bobo-Dioulasso, this associative space was designed and built as a creative laboratory, a crossroads of social and civic links, a place to work and live, to experiment with all possibilities, an exhortation to move forward and reinvent one's environment.

Africa SIMPLY THE BEST and ANKATA COACHING function as a platform for the promotion of young creators in the performing arts, with an affirmed approach of knowledge sharing. The first stage of this programme consists of identifying contemporary African talent, training them and bringing them together on the same stage, with a view to their promotion and positioning at the forefront of the performing arts.