Graine d’espoir
CNA Burkina is part of CNA Africa, a network of associations present in 10 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Mali, Niger, Senegal and France). Its motto is: "Cinema for all, cinema everywhere. "The CNA specialises in communication for behavioural change, focusing on culture as a vehicle for sustainable development.
In addition to training children from underprivileged areas of Ouagadougou in the techniques of shooting animated films, the CNA will create a framework for moving image training and education. Accompanied by Slama Cinéma, a Belgian structure with expertise in training, the "Graine d'espoir" project also plans to train instructors. The short films produced will reflect the children's context and cultural references. They will then be shown during 50 screenings and debates.
As a producer of events and promoter of creative initiatives, Umané Culture participates in the development of Burkina Faso's artistic heritage, particularly in the field of music. From local work to international cooperation projects, Umané Culture works to professionalise artists.
The "Numéric'Arts" project aims to encourage collaboration between technological start-ups and cultural and creative companies to develop digital solutions that will facilitate the digital transition of companies in the sector and allow cultural and creative products to adapt to new modes of consumption. To support this digitalisation, "Numéric'Arts" also plans to create a platform for the promotion and marketing of quality local musical and audiovisual productions.
Faim de contes
The creation of the NGO Groupe Efrouba pour la Culture (GREC) in Grand-Lahou (south-western Côte d'Ivoire) was motivated by a group of writers' desire to decentralise the book promotion sector, 95% of whose activities take place in Abidjan. GREC is now multiplying its literary activities in Côte d'Ivoire and on the African continent, and extending its field of intervention to education, tourism, gastronomy, etc.
The main objective of "Faim de contes" is to enhance the oral traditions of Côte d'Ivoire through the promotion and professionalisation of native traditional storytellers. This new project is an opportunity for GREC to acquire human, technical and financial resources to bring together 12 Ivorian storytellers from different regions, to transcribe their stories into works that will be offered to publishers worldwide.
Tigritudes Itinérances
Les Films du Djabadjah is an independent production and distribution company created by filmmaker Berni Goldblat in 2006. It is also involved in executive production, in the organisation of film writing residencies, in circulation and programming, and works for a better visibility of African cinema on the continent.
Initially conceived as part of the Africa2020 Cultural Season, then presented in early 2022 at the Forum des Images in Paris, "Tigritudes" is a film cycle of 119 pan-African and Afro-diasporic films, produced between 1956 and 2021. The project in question aims to organise a touring programme, in Burkina Faso in the first instance.
By revealing an accessible and eclectic cinema, "Tigritudes Itinérance" works to deconstruct a reductive and restrictive vision of African cinema.
Projet de mobilisation communautaire pour l'éducation de la jeune fille en milieu rural
Troupe Pottal is the structure of the Centre d'Écoute, de Conseils et d'Orientation pour Jeunes (CECOJE) in charge of socio-educational activities. It produces awareness-raising sketches or short films, participatory theatre and educational stories. All of its activities contribute to the fight against gender-based violence (GBV), the promotion of the emancipation of young girls and positive masculinity.
The objective of this "community mobilisation project for the education of young girls in rural areas" is to intervene in villages where there is a low rate of schooling (or school completion) for young girls, in order to encourage them to study. Thus, 10 villages in the administrative region of Labé will be raise awareness of girls' education through participatory theatre performances.
Projet de création, production et diffusion d'œuvres théâtrales et musicales à travers le numérique, les lieux de cultures et les écoles primaires et secondaires dans deux communes à faible accès à l'offre culturelle au Bénin
Théâtre d'Afrique is an NGO that promotes intercultural exchanges for human development and integration into society. It is also active in research, artistic creation, awareness raising, communication for behavioural change, heritage preservation and training.
This project aims to promote culture in the disadvantaged municipalities of Benin, namely Bonou and Avrankou. By presenting a musical theatre show at 10 cultural centres, 45 primary and secondary schools, and via digital channels, the NGO also aims to educate people about the consumption of cultural works online. In terms of added value, social cohesion is promoted and the right to rest and leisure is ensured for the populations of these isolated regions.
Agbodrafo Village des Arts
The association LesChangeurs wants to offer access to culture to the population of Agbodrafo, to develop local talents and to revitalise this village through regular and sustainable actions. The themes addressed are education (with, among others, its toy library), the arts (workshops, exhibitions, etc.), the environment (education in waste sorting, bike or dugout rides, etc.) and sustainability (training, conferences and debates, etc.).
The creative residency project (photography, sculpture, painting, writing, film making) will lead to the organisation of an exhibition/tour in the streets of Agbodrafo. This artistic event will enhance the historical and cultural spaces of this fishing village, which is well known for having been an important place for the slave trade at the time of colonisation. Finally, this project has an educational objective through the participation of villagers in workshops and exchanges with local and foreign artists.
Valorisation Talent de Tombouctou
Essakane Productions was created in 2010 to meet the professionalisation needs of the team behind the Timbuktu Festival. Since then, it has developed and taken on projects in artist management, event management and organisation, and audiovisual production and broadcasting, notably for the Cultural Caravan for Peace.
The "Valorisation Talent de Tombouctou" project aims to identify artists among disadvantaged populations in isolated regions or in zones of conflict. After offering them a residency and supporting them in the production and distribution of their work, Essakane Productions will do its utmost to bring these talents to light through national and even international partnerships, by broadcasting live shows and using new music streaming platforms.
Denguele Misri Ni Kourou
The NGO Les Citoyens du Livre et des Arts du Denguélé is committed to the promotion, enhancement and popularisation of Ivorian culture and heritage. It carries out actions in favour of education and the empowerment of youth, especially young girls, in this north-western region of the country.
The cultural heritage of the Denguélé locality, due to its geographical remoteness, is in a state of oblivion. This is why the "Denguele Misri Ni Kourou" initiative has set itself the goal of highlighting its centuries-old Sudanese-style mosques, whose architectural style dates back to the 14th century. The 3D digitisation of four historical sites will allow their promotion, their conservation in time and space, the creation of jobs (direct and indirect) and the promotion of cultural and creative entrepreneurship.
The Centre de Développement Chorégraphique "La Termitière" aims to be an iconic location for contemporary African choreographic creation, guaranteeing artistic excellence. Here, creation is always conceived and carried out with the aim of distributing works and professionalising artists.
The "Trajectoire" project is part of the promotion of the creations of young West African choreographers using the importance of digital technology and networking. At the end of the project, 11 young dancer-choreographers and 5 cultural administrators will have benefited from training in creation, management and mastery of digital tools, and 5 works will be produced and distributed on the sub-regional and international markets.