Accès gratuit à la culture pour tous au Bénin
The ADAV-NORD BENIN association has set itself the mission of multiplying, consolidating, professionalising and diversifying creative initiatives in order, on the one hand, to allow the fine arts to play their role as liberators of society's expressions and questions, and on the other hand, to bring together the best creative conditions for artists.
This training, research, creation and promotion programme in the audiovisual field, aimed at 15 young visual artists, 8 of whom are women, consists of three main phases: 1/ training in "art photography + retouching" and "art video + editing"; 2/ supporting the 15 participants in promoting their creations (press releases); 3/ organising artistic discovery activities for 250 pupils and 150 deprived children.
Immersion au bord du lac Nokoué, les artistes chez vous
The Place O Sceno Association, specialised in the performing arts, offers a framework for training in the theatre professions in Benin. It brings together about fifteen Beninese artists with diverse skills: stage designers, actors, puppeteers, designers, costume designers, sound and light directors, administrators, etc.
This project to create a theatre and puppet show on the themes of education for all and the involvement of the population in the rational management of the resources of Lake Nokoué will be broadcast in 30 lakeside locations and on the web. It will help to bring cultural activities to the most remote localities. In order to carry out this initiative and to compensate for the lack of infrastructure, a travelling floating stage will be created.
Wasséxo kplonnou, ou Contons les Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD)
The Katoulati cultural association contributes to the growth of the creative economy and to human and sustainable development through theatre and storytelling. It is involved in artistic production and supports creations in production to entertain, educate and raise awareness.
The project "Wasséxo kplonnou, or Let's talk about SDO's" will use storytelling, slam and song to promote the objectives of sustainable development. The 10 artists selected for this mission will benefit from masterclasses and workshops to adapt traditional tales or produce new ones on the urgency and best practices of sustainable development. This production will result in a 5-show residency, 140 performances and podcast recordings.
Mon panégyrique, mon identité culturelle
The mission of the Humanist Writers Association of Benin is to make writing, books and reading tools and channels for socio-cultural development in Benin and Africa. It aims to become the leading book organisation in Benin, impacting at least 50,000 people by 2025 through various actions.
The "Akô" is an African custom from oral literature, a series of words of a laudatory nature that recounts the origins and achievements of a person, family, ethnic group or clan. In the face of modernity and industrialisation, this Beninese tradition is under threat. To safeguard it, the project intends to identify, collect and publish (books and CDs) clan panegyrics and train 30 young storytellers and slammers (15 women and 15 men) in composition and declamation.
Musée Mobile Gnonnas Pedro Gnoinsope
Art of Africa is based on values such as humanism, independence, responsibility and professionalism. It works to immortalise the rich intangible heritage represented by the work of Gnonnas Pedro, a musician of genius, while promoting the cultural and tourist potential of Benin and Africa.
The aim of this project is to create a travelling version of the semi-permanent exhibition "Gnonnas Pedro, Nin non déké migblon do a" ("let's not forget what we agreed") at the eponymous museum. This digital exhibition will travel around Benin and will make it possible to transmit the educational, civic and community values conveyed by the works of this music legend, who passed away in 2004.
"Agir ensemble pour grandir"
The Atelier Nomade houses the École Internationale de Théâtre du Bénin as well as several performance spaces, regular venues for Beninese, Togolese, Burkinabe and Nigerian artists. In addition to the establishment of a permanent, multi-purpose troupe of some twenty talents (directors, actors, dancers, puppeteers, circus artists, etc.), the consolidation and expansion project "Agir ensemble pour grandir " includes the creation of a museum of the performing arts. By working on the synergy between 9 sub-regional theatres (6 in Benin, 1 in Togo, 1 in Niger and 1 in Burkina Faso) and the networking of their cultural content, the project intends to take advantage of the income and move towards financial autonomy, a key objective for true anchoring and sustainability.
A look at planned productions
- creation of a permanent troupe
- opening 12 small format residences and 2 large format residences
- development of a network of cultural operators from 4 neighbouring countries
- creation of a digital platform and an online ticketing service with payment of tickets by telephone
- regular animation of the three stages of the Atelier Nomade
- creation and monetisation of a performing arts museum
Focus on Atelier Nomade
Atelier Nomade opened its doors in 1992. It is now home to the École Internationale de Théâtre du Bénin, a higher education institution that prepares students for a state diploma. The two pillars of its mission are professional training and artistic creation, which enable the cultural and artistic education of young people and local communities. The theatre school often works on themes that contribute to human development and good citizenship.
Afrikan Arts
AFRIKAN ARTS’’ est une association culturelle à but non lucratif basée au Bénin qui a pour but
général d’utiliser les différents canaux de l’art comme puissant vecteur de communication et de
sensibilisation afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie sociales des populations et des acteurs du milieu.
Kanlin Tété Man Dú
Créé en 1994 par Stanislas DEGBO, excellent danseur et musicien depuis sa
petite enfance. Ses nombreuses recherches, études et formations lui ont permis
d'approfondir et de transmettre toutes les richesses multiculturelles de son pays.
Chorégraphe reconnu dans son pays, il est régulièrement sollicité pour accomplir
diverses missions auprès des autorités culturelles de son pays. Ainsi il a pris
l’initiative de recruter et de former des jeunes pour fonder un groupe
chorégraphique qui aujourd’hui fait l’honneur du bénin sur la scène nationale et
Ong Tous Pour Le Livre
L’ONG Tous Pour le Livre est une structure de promotion du livre et de la lecture. Notre ambition est de faire du livre, un fidèle compagnon des enfants et des jeunes pour la réussite de leurs études et pour leur épanouissement. Pour l’atteinte de nos objectifs, nous exécutons un certain nombre de programmes.
ESPACE KIFFOULY, Espace Culturel Artistique situé à Dowa dans la ville vise à valoriser la culture, le cultuel, tourisme, danse, résidence d’artistes et expositions, festivals et stage de théâtre ,de marionnettes conte danse musique cinéma des concerts et des spectacles, des formations artistiques enfants/adultes, des séjours touristiques axés sur la rencontre des populations et la découverte culturelle . L’art culinaire