The dance company “Les Pieds dans La Mare” aims to reintegrate young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods through dance and give them a tool to exist. Every year, the company supports over 23 young people by giving them free comprehensive dance training, as well as general education and art-based work.
The company would like to establish a multidisciplinary research/creation/action programme to reactivate the memory of the slave trade in Côte d'Ivoire. This memory work will involve collecting testimony, working with local artists and traditions and putting on performances and workshops for residents, and will culminate in the creation of a dance show, a documentary web series and a music album.

The “Au Nom Du Slam” collective was formed in 2014 by the 10 finalists of the international slam competition “The Spoken Word Project”. This cultural and artistic association aims to promote slam and raise awareness through this practice.
BABI SLAM is an international slam festival in Abidjan, the 7th edition of which will take place in 2023. It was founded by the “Au Nom Du Slam” collective with a view to elevating the practice of slam and raising awareness on matters of public interest. It aims to promote a change in behaviour among populations for a fairer, more tolerant and more environmentally-conscious society.

The association Africadoc Côte d'Ivoire, founded in 2012, aims to showcase creative documentary film in Côte d’ivoire. To this end, it organises activities tailored to the needs of professionals (workshops, gatherings, masterclasses) and screens documentary films in primary schools, high schools and universities to raise the profile of African documentary cinema.
The project Impala Afrique de l’Ouest seeks to boost the competitiveness of the documentary cinema sector by supporting creation and production, as well as facilitating access to markets. It includes writing and production workshops for 10 young authors and 10 young producers, led by experienced tutors.

Located in the municipality of Cocody, in Côte d'Ivoire, IvoiRégiE is a cultural enterprise working with women and young people in three key fields: culture, digital and the environment. Its vision is to qualitatively transform human territories through poetry, a vehicle for identity and values that constitutes a means for cultural integration, a tool for enhancement and an instrument of economic and social promotion.

The Popodipo project was created with a view to promoting and developing poetry from sub-Saharan Africa. More than just a project, Popodipo is a state of mind that unites and inspires, focusing on several themes: the economic and social promotion of women, solidarity and mentoring for young people and cultural regional development.

In concrete terms, the project intends to showcase 50 selected sub-Saharan poets on an interactive web platform and mobile application. There is also an entertaining board game that offers a fun way to familiarise the general public with poetry. Poetry recitals, giant portrait and poetry text installations, poetry frescoes on the walls of buildings and poetic stall dressings are among the actions carried out on a daily basis by IvoiRégiE.

Unalterable sources of learning, passed down through word of mouth from parent to child, countless African stories, genuine oral treasures, are threatened with oblivion due to a lack of conservation means. The GRoupe Efrouba pour la Culture (Efrouba Group for Culture, GREC) was born out of this observation, led by a group of writers in Grand-Lahou, Côte d'Ivoire. It is committed to showcasing oral heritage through the promotion of national storytellers.

The aim of the “Faim de contes” (roughly “Hungry for stories”) project is to act quickly in order to compile these wonderful African stories inherited from our ancestors and record them to media for future generations.

6 books have already been published and are available to purchase, and the NGO aims to expand the “Faim de contes” collection with 10 new books of Ivorian stories this year. To maximise the distribution media, the project also includes the audio and audiovisual transcription of the books.

La Fabrique Culturelle

La Fabrique culturelle est un lieu de diffusion et de pratique artistique situé au cœur d'Abidjan dans le quartier de Cocody.Elle est l’un des rares centres culturels indépendant qui offre une programmation régulière pluridisciplinaire. Depuis son ouverture en 2014, c’est un lieu de croisement et de rencontre entre les artistes, le public et les établissements scolaires. La Fabrique Culturelle s’investit aussi dans la formation et la professionnalisation des artistes avec diverses outils. La fabrique culturelle en quelques chiffres pour l’année 2021
50 spectacles présentés soit en moyenne 1 par semaine hors les projections cinéma chaque mardi dans le cadre du ciné club.
Une ludothèque/ bibliothèque jeunesse pour les enfants de de 3 à 12 ans. L’espace accueil chaque jour 20 enfants gratuitement entre 12h-14 heure.
L’accompagnement de jeunes artistes vers la professionnalisation. En 2021 nous avons accompagne 8 jeunes circassiens au parcours atypique a se professionnaliser. Ils partent début septembre au Maroc représenté la cote d’ivoire.Ddes espaces de répétition qui nous permettent de recevoir régulière toutes les discipline faisant ainsi de ce lieu un espace de travail ou se croise les artistes.
Un espace ouvert à la diversité. Nous organisation depuis 4 ans chaque année 2 journées de la diversité d’échanges en partenariat les associations de la communauté LGBT+
Depuis 2018, La Fabrique Culturelle organise chaque année les Rencontres Interculturelles du Cirque d’Abidjan (RICA). Ce festival international de cirque a accueilli une vingtaine de compagnies en 5 éditions, avec le souci de mettre en valeur le cirque africain. Les RICA ont touchés plus de 50 000 spectateurs avec les représentations payantes garantes de l’économie du festival mais aussi des représentations gratuites en espace public. Reconnu sur le plan international, les RICA sont aujourd’hui la vitrine du cirque africain pour les professionnels mais aussi une vitrine du savoir faire ivoirien.

Compagnie Naforo-Ba

La Cie Naforo-Ba est une association à but non lucratif. Elle a pour objet la sauvegarde, la valorisation et la promotion du patrimoine oral Africain d'une part et le développement des artistes et des arts de la scène d'autres part à travers la création, la production, la diffusion et les formations.
Elle est un véritable incubateur de talents.


Jardin d'Afrique Groupe is first and foremost an audiovisual production company specialising in the promotion of local cinema as a vehicle for social peace. Through its productions and caravans, it raises public awareness of national and international themes in the fight against the de-schooling of girls, drugs in schools, inter-community conflicts, etc.

CLAPE.EBURNIE is the abbreviation for "Cinema and Literature in Action for Peace and Development in Eburnia", a mobile socio-educational project that promotes cinema for the development of young pupils and students. Through screenings and debates of the feature film "Kamissa" and the creation of a platform, the aim of the three-year CLAPE.EBURNIE.21-23 touring programme is to engage the whole of Ivorian society in the fight against pregnancy among young pupils and students, which is often the cause of school drop-out.

L’Afrique en Conte

The Association Des Livres Pour Tous (DLPT), created in 2008 in Paris by Marguerite Abouet, author of the successful comic strip "Aya de Yopougon", has as its main objective to make books more accessible to young people by creating libraries in neighbourhoods and villages in Africa.

"L'Afrique en conte" is an innovative project aimed at collecting, producing and broadcasting radio plays based on heritage tales and contemporary imagination. The aim is to produce a catalogue of programmes, audio books and podcasts for libraries, schools, cultural centres and radio stations in Côte d'Ivoire and elsewhere. The creation of this catalogue is made possible thanks to the "Radiobox", a portable mobile studio set up in libraries in Abidjan, and to the training of librarians in its use.

Denguele Misri Ni Kourou

The NGO Les Citoyens du Livre et des Arts du Denguélé is committed to the promotion, enhancement and popularisation of Ivorian culture and heritage. It carries out actions in favour of education and the empowerment of youth, especially young girls, in this north-western region of the country.

The cultural heritage of the Denguélé locality, due to its geographical remoteness, is in a state of oblivion. This is why the "Denguele Misri Ni Kourou" initiative has set itself the goal of highlighting its centuries-old Sudanese-style mosques, whose architectural style dates back to the 14th century. The 3D digitisation of four historical sites will allow their promotion, their conservation in time and space, the creation of jobs (direct and indirect) and the promotion of cultural and creative entrepreneurship.