Denguele Misri Ni Kourou

The NGO Les Citoyens du Livre et des Arts du Denguélé is committed to the promotion, enhancement and popularisation of Ivorian culture and heritage. It carries out actions in favour of education and the empowerment of youth, especially young girls, in this north-western region of the country.

The cultural heritage of the Denguélé locality, due to its geographical remoteness, is in a state of oblivion. This is why the "Denguele Misri Ni Kourou" initiative has set itself the goal of highlighting its centuries-old Sudanese-style mosques, whose architectural style dates back to the 14th century. The 3D digitisation of four historical sites will allow their promotion, their conservation in time and space, the creation of jobs (direct and indirect) and the promotion of cultural and creative entrepreneurship.


FENATH-CI's objectives are to promote theatre and related disciplines, to federate the actions of the companies (members) to encourage artistic creation and the circulation of shows. It also trains and informs stakeholders in the sector in order to reinforce their knowledge during training courses, study trips, workshops, seminars, festivals...

As its name indicates, this project aims for the "Renaissance" of Ivorian Theatre through quality training (in writing, directing and administration) of cultural operators. The objective of the action is to give the various stakeholders the tools for their autonomy: economic development, spirit of initiative, assurance of the circulation of works in an active professional network, visibility on the physical and digital economic markets.

De la Scène à la Toile

The Fabrique Culturelle is a venue in Abidjan located at the crossroads of a working-class neighbourhood and an affluent neighbourhood, which allows it to fulfil one of its principal missions: social diversity. Its multidisciplinary programming (theatre, dance, music, circus, cinema), its residencies and its mediation activities make it a meeting place for artists, audiences and schools.

Driven to experiment with digital broadcasting by the closure of cultural venues during the pandemic, the cultural space La Fabrique noted the public's interest in this format. This is how "From the stage to the Web" was born, a project of physical broadcasting on the La Fabrique stage and digital broadcasting. It is the extension of the physical space on the web, through a dedicated platform, to guarantee regular programming on stage and to reach a new audience (diaspora, students, etc.) through digital distribution.

"Les Arts-Liances", pan-African contemporary theatre platform

This project responds to a difficulty in distributing theatrical and choreographic works in Africa, while the public's enthusiasm for these performances is still growing. The aim is therefore to create and trace a professional touring circuit for productions that will enable arts performances to tour regularly and meet their audiences. Thus, the "Arts-Liances" project promotes synergy of action between 15 performance spaces in 5 partner countries (Côte d'Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo) and encourages co-production, the sharing of best practices and the programming of works created. With an eye on sustainable development, the project aims to be inclusive. It aims to mobilise artists and build audience loyalty.

A look at planned productions
- creation of 15 theatre and choreographic performances
- 180 performances
- consolidation of skills for 75 artists, 30 performance technicians and 30 employees of the performance spaces
- strengthening of technical resources of the 15 partner venues

Focus on Sokan Théâtre
After 20 years of activity, Sokan Théâtre is a cultural association recognised for promoting the arts in general and the performing arts in particular. An organisation in constant evolution, it favours and develops collaborations between artists from the South and the North. Through its achievements and in line with its objectives of inclusion, Sokan Theatre is the initiator of the Pan-African Women's Dramatic Writing Workshop "Femmes en scène".

"ELAN", Art of storytelling and recital

Tales, myths, initiation stories, legends and other oral poetry exist to tell and be told. These oral works convey the language, modes of thought, habits and customs specific to each people. It is with the aim of giving new impetus to this ancient cultural heritage, recognised as "intangible heritage" by UNESCO, that the ELAN project has taken shape. By respecting parity and relying on the solid relationships already established by the Naforo-Ba Company with 8 West African countries, ELAN aims to accompany 16 storytelling artists from the 8 partner countries throughout the production cycle.

Overview of expected productions

- 80 diverse stories collected at a rate of 5 stories per Artist in a perspective of contemporary exploitation
- 5 collections of 16 illustrated stories, produced in the "Ziri Collection" and printed at 5,000 copies each for retail
- contribution of 8 Illustrators (1 per country) to the above mentioned collections
- 3 capacity building workshops for stakeholders in the storytelling sector organised over 3 years (1 per year)
- production of 80 audio tales made available for digital downloading and listening platforms for a fee
- production of 80 brief audio tales or proverbs, to be broadcast on telephones by the mobile network operators in the 8 countries of the action
- participation in the Nuit du Conte en Famille (NCF) organised each year as both a live and a ticketed online event

Focus on the Naforo-Ba company

The Naforo-Ba Company was founded in 2000 in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) with the aim of promoting African oral literature, both ancient and contemporary, and to promote its knowledge and practice. With extensive experience, the association of professionals has been able to forge special links with Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Mali, Togo, Guinea and Senegal.

SOMETHING by Something We Africans Got

April27 is an independent publishing company and arts management consultancy that promotes and supports African art, culture, education and excellence through the SOMETHING WE AFRICANS GOT review and the magazine SWAG high profiles.

After 5 years of existence, 14 issues of the review and 7 of its magazine version, "Something We Africans Got" has become an alternative space, a space for exhibitions dedicated to the moving image, to the rediscovery of African cinema, to dialogue and the development of critical thinking. This project materialises the continuation of the exploration of the Arts of Africa and the Black World and the cultural links between the different countries of the continent and the rest of the world.


Né de la volonté des professionnels des Arts et de la Culture de Côte d’Ivoire, l’ADEC-CI est une association à caractère culturel qui a pour objet le développement du secteur des Arts et la Culture.
A ce titre, elle a pour objectifs :d’apporter un appui technique aux artistes, groupes artistiques, collectivités territoriales, associations et entreprises culturelles ;d’assurer la promotion et la diffusion des œuvres artistiques ;de concevoir et mettre en œuvre des évènements culturels ;d’organiser des rencontres scientifiques et produire des publications ; de collaborer avec les organismes nationaux et internationaux, des associations culturelles, des plates-formes poursuivant des buts et des objectifs similaires ;de contribuer à l’élaboration et/ou à la mise en œuvre de politiques de développement dans le secteur des arts et de la culture.

Association Tumanum

TUMANUM est une structure Culturelle dont le cheval de bataille est aussi bien la promotion du patrimoine culturel de Côte d'Ivoire à travers des projets de création et de développement contemporains, que la formation des enfants et des jeunes à la pratique des métiers des arts. TUMANUM a en son sein divers groupes : TUWANI OFRI TITI (théâtre et danse), Akouma Band (musique). Elle porte des projets de formation et de diffusion à savoir : APATAM (Actions pour la Promotion des Arts du Tambour), ÉDUC'ART (formation artistique), Festival ÉDUC'ART Extrascolaire, Afrika TUMANUM (Festival Panafricain des Arts du Tambour). Aussi, collabore-t-elle avec plusieurs institutions et organisations.

Sankofart Sum

structure culturelle qui exerce dans plusieurs domaine.nous oeuvrons pour promouvoir la culture.

Ecole des Poètes de Côte d'Ivoire

L'École des Poètes est une association culturelle créée en 2013 qui vise à promouvoir la poésie par la lecture, l’écriture, la performance oratoire et l’enseignement de la poésie en Côte d’Ivoire.
Des formations, Des ateliers,Des spectacles,Des participations à des évènements.
Nous comptons une quinzaine de clubs et démembrements