Valorisation des contenus numériques du Mali à travers la création et la production de jeu vidéo
BAMABIZ production is a communication, audiovisual and event production organisation. Its vocation is to be a laboratory for incubation and innovation in the creation and distribution of digital content and educational video games inspired by African culture.
This training and creative residency project is a logical follow-up to the 3rd edition of the Malian Video Game and Digital Festival, for the professionalisation of young people in the video game sector. Its objective: to train 12 girls and boys in the techniques of this industry and to distribute the content resulting from the creative residency at the next "Bamako Games Play".
TOP 10
Established as a cultural association in 2012, La Galerie Médina's mission is to contribute to the creation of an emerging market for contemporary Malian and African art and to ensure the promotion and sale of quality works in Mali, Africa and the world.
Their "TOP 10" project consists of a vast artistic introspection intended to lead to an exhibition that is both a retrospective of the last 10 years and a prospective of the next 10 years. A selection of 10 shortlisted artists, both established and emerging, of all generations, will present their projects to a jury of professionals. The exhibition of these works in the Medina Gallery, the production of a film and the publication of a catalogue will contribute to the promotion and distribution of cultural assets.
"La NEUF", training, creation and production
The Malian cultural industry offers a plethora of stakeholders but is cruelly lacking in scriptwriters, costume designers and other entertainment professionals without whom works cannot exist. In response to this shortage, "La NEUF" (Nouvelle École Usine et de Formation) offers a system of training, both face-to-face and at a distance, including workshops, masterclasses and internships for dialogue with professionals. This proposal for training in the performing arts will ultimately lead to the creation of new shows to be presented during a tour of 8 cities, already established by the association. Acte SEPT also intends to involve communities in order to establish a sustainable and culturally endogenous funding mechanism, a factor in sustainable development.
A look at planned productions
- Creation of a digital platform for training
- Establishment of 16 workshops on the performing arts professions
- Creation of 8 plays
- Distribution of the 8 plays in the 8 cities of the Sirabo network
- Creation of a partner network
- Organisation of a festival
Focus on Acte SEPT
According to Acte SEPT, the project leader, "everyone must be able to participate in the cultural life of their choice and exercise their own cultural practices within the limits imposed by respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. " Driven by this vision, the association has been working in Bamako since 1994 and has been moving to the rhythm of its Festival du Théâtre des Réalités since 1996.
"De l'Homme vers l'Homme", contemporary dance
Specialised in the field of contemporary dance, the Don Sen Folo association anchors its project in the transmission and dialogue between ancient traditions and contemporary gestures. Its distribution in public spaces increases the visibility of the artists' work among the public and local authorities, and is also a good way of getting around the difficulties of distribution in traditional infrastructures, the networks for which are often lacking in this region. In order to improve the production of African dancers and choreographers and to promote this art form at national and continental level, "De l'Homme vers l'Homme" will focus on strengthening artistic skills, activating South-South cooperation, and setting up an African network for contemporary dance in public spaces.
A look at planned productions
- Training of 14 young artists in dance and choreography
- Choreographic residencies in public spaces (2 months) involving 32 artists
- Presentation of the artists and their work in the online catalogues of the residencies and on the Numéridanse TV website
- Production, recording and broadcasting of contemporary choreographic works in public spaces
- Production of a "Guide to good practice in contemporary dance in public spaces in Mali".
Focus on Don Sen Folo
The Don Sen Folo association has been working since 2010 on the issue of access to culture, formerly in the Kalaban Coro district of Bamako and currently in the rural commune of Bancoumana. With the firm belief that Art and Culture can become the economic engines of tomorrow's society, the association works to make the work of artists known and understood by the population.
Basketteuses de Bamako
The NAMA Company keeps ancestral traditions alive, ensuring the survival of the art of puppetry and offering young people the opportunity to work in the cultural sector. Among its training courses, some are specifically aimed at women, a first in Mali where the art of puppetry was traditionally reserved for men.
The "Basketteuses de Bamako" project seeks to increase the number of women artists in Mali and to develop their contemporary artistic capacities through professional training, awareness-raising and mediation with the public. The project aims to offer a new mixed and popular artistic practice, an art that restores the traditional know-how of Malian women by innovating it through the practice of juggling.
société Wokloni est une agence de production audiovisuelle et d’ingénierie culturelle Sous le label BlonBa, elle compte plus de 20 ans d’engagement dans le domaine des services culturels, de la diffusion, de la création artistique et de productions audiovisuelles.Aujourd’hui, Wòklòni, d’abord à travers son ancien site à Faladiè, puis son nouveau site à Bacodjicoroni est au cœur de la création, de la production et de la diffusion artistiques au Mali. Dans ses salles, elle a programmé des centaines de spectacles vivants, de films, d’expositions culturelles, d’événements socio-culturels et de loisirs et a accueilli la production de centaines d’heures de programmes télévisuels. Elle a également plusieurs artistes en résidence de création.Ces actions de programmations culturelles et artistiques la mettent en contact régulier avec le public, les artistes et autres acteurs de tous les corps de métiers culturels au Mali ; des champs les plus innovants aux secteurs les plus traditionnels.Wokloni est la productrice ou coproductrice de près de 30 spectacles présentés en France, en Belgique, au Luxembourg, au Canada, au Sénégal, au Burkina Faso, au Benin, au Togo, en Guinée, en Centrafrique, au Cameroun.
Festival au Désert
Le Festival au Désert, est un des évènements culturels les plus reconnus en Afrique célébrant la culture saharienne en général et celle malienne en particulier.
Don Sen Folo
A travers nos expériences de création, production, diffusion, partage et formation, notre structure s'est développée en se spécialisant ces dernières années dans le domaine de la danse contemporaine de création en espace public / In Situ/ In Vivo. Ce choix de spécialisation est le fruit de la réflexion et du constat suivant : si nous voulons contribuer au développement du secteur créatif nous devons faire en sorte que les artistes maliens et africains puissent se former, s'informer, apprendre, communiquer et transmettre leurs savoir-faire et leurs créations dans un espace qui appartient à tous, un espace public en accès libre pour tous les citoyens. .
Association Cie Jiriladon
Festival :Festi-Kènèba :Un festival pour les filles , une initiative qui cherche a promouvoir les créations chorégraphique professionnelles et locaux sur les violences faites aux femmes et filles crée par les filles pour sensibilisé le monde contre toutes violations des filles et femme en général . Une opportunité qui leur permet de vendre leurs créations aux marchés culturels nationaux et internationaux en danse.
Union Internationale des Marionnettistes du Mali
Unima Mali est une association internationale
Pour la section du Mali c'est l'ensemble de tous les groupes traditionnels et les groupes modernes les troupes formelles et informelles du Mali qui se regroupés pour la valorisation de l'art de la marionnette dans toute sa diversité dont le Mali a la paternité mondiale.