La Couveuse PAPRICAI s’adresse aux jeunes entrepreneurs et start-ups du secteur culturel et créatif du Togo et de la Sous-région ouest africaine souhaitant être accompagnés dans la création et la mise en œuvre de leurs projets d’entreprise.

Institut Virtuel d'Innovation Créative (IVIC)

IVIC est un institut académique virtuel créée au Togo en 2020. Il a pour mission de proposer aux étudiants et professionnels de divers secteurs d’activités, des programmes de formation en lien avec leurs domaines et spécialités :Mettant l’étudiant au cœur de sa mission,Améliorant la recherche en innovation créative Rendant service à la société en proposant des cours accessibles à distance.Proposant des formations professionnelles de qualité, qui reposent sur une approche pédagogique par compétences, Ambitionnant à former des étudiants et professionnels avec un profil pouvant répondre aux exigences du marché africain et international du travail,Les objectifs de IVIC s’articulent en dix point :Promotion des connaissances académiques Favoriser l’accès à la documentation virtuelle Amélioration des conditions d’enseignement Équipement des étudiants en logiciel et applications de cours en ligne Renforcer les capacités technique et culturelles du corps pédagogique et d’encadrement
Formation et perfectionnement des enseignants dans l’utilisation des TIC Amélioration du suivi de l’apprentissage des apprenants par tutorat Vulgarisation des TIC dans les stratégies pédagogiques
Renforcement de la coopération et du partenariat avec le milieu du travail Développement de nouvelles filières professionnalisantes
L’Institut Virtuel d’Innovation Créative vise à devenir un pôle d’excellence dans le domaine de la formation online, avec la qualité et le professionnalisme dans ses programmes de formation et de ses activités de recherches novatrices. Elle encourage l’innovation en coopération et en partenariat avec des acteurs nationaux et internationaux, contribuant ainsi au développement de l’Afrique.

Femmes en création

The Kadam-Kadam Association is active in the artistic and cultural, social and educational fields, and at times also in the health sector. Its mission is to contribute to the promotion of culture as a human right and a factor in the socio-economic development of children in Togo and Africa.

Initiated in response to the absence of women in the arts, the "Femmes en création" project is a platform for training, research, creation and promotion in the dramatic arts for 6 female actors, 3 female visual artists/scenographers and 6 female administrators. Following a diagnosis of the local situation, the project will work to overcome obstacles to the continuity of the careers of women artists, and then work towards their professionalisation.

Inno – Culture

While TIBI is an NGO is committed to training and artistic creations for the benefit of artists with disabilities, it also participates in international cultural events. Education, performing arts and community development are its main areas of intervention.

"Initiation à l'Innovation Culturelle, Linguistique et d'Ecriture chez la jeune fille dans la région Kara" (Initiation to Cultural, Linguistic and Writing Innovation for Young Girls in the Kara Region) aims to safeguard and enhance the endogenous practices of the peoples of Northern Togo through the promotion of young girls. 100 young women under 25 years of age will thus be able to develop their cultural skills (traditional dances, etc.). They will be interested in their mother tongue (its history and values) and will sharpen their critical thinking skills during an essay competition. The resulting document will be broadcast on YouTube, as will the 50 stories told in their mother tongue and translated into French and English.

ISIS ou la tragédie des corps dispersés

The CTDC's mission is to promote and defend cultural diversity through an organisational ecosystem of national operators and stakeholders in the arts and culture. Within the framework of this mission, the ISIS project resembles an international research laboratory on a new form of theatre that will later be called "Théâtre du souffle".

The objective of ISIS is to gather anthropological material linked to traditions and cults of possession and then to submit it to a scriptwriting process (in the form of tales, puppets, masks, etc.) in order to create an aesthetic of breath that animates the bodies and voices of the actors and pushes them into all the twists and turns of their performance. This research will result in a contemporary theatre show, on the route to a future theatrical aesthetic capable of inspiring the rest of the world.

Agbodrafo Village des Arts

The association LesChangeurs wants to offer access to culture to the population of Agbodrafo, to develop local talents and to revitalise this village through regular and sustainable actions. The themes addressed are education (with, among others, its toy library), the arts (workshops, exhibitions, etc.), the environment (education in waste sorting, bike or dugout rides, etc.) and sustainability (training, conferences and debates, etc.).

The creative residency project (photography, sculpture, painting, writing, film making) will lead to the organisation of an exhibition/tour in the streets of Agbodrafo. This artistic event will enhance the historical and cultural spaces of this fishing village, which is well known for having been an important place for the slave trade at the time of colonisation. Finally, this project has an educational objective through the participation of villagers in workshops and exchanges with local and foreign artists.

Théâtre Chez Vous

In response to the lethargy into which Covid 19 has plunged theatre in Togo and with a view to democratising its production and performance, the Cultural Association Clinik'art is launching the "Théâtre Chez Vous" (TCV) project.

Places where people naturally gather, such as houses, courtyards, schools, etc., or where people live together on a daily basis, are ideal places for theatrical performances, including during the Covid period. In order to revive the taste for theatre and bring it to new audiences, TCV has chosen to invest in these new fields of expression and to produce 5 creations in the 5 main languages of each administrative region of Togo.

Les Actrales: Formation, production, création et diffusion

In order to help build an African society that is worthy and proud of its values and culture, Arkadi Cultures proposes to strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in the cultural and creative industries; to work towards the enhancement and safeguarding of African heritage; to organise responsible tourism to encourage socio-cultural and environmental relations...

The "Les Actrales" project trains stage technicians, actors and directors in organic theatre in order to raise the quality of performance art. Organic theatre aims to develop the spectator's sensitivity by moving from physiology to empathy. It is a form of interactive performance that allows for the emergence of speech and reflection around a chosen theme. After training, the shows will be presented to the general public.

"PAPRICAI+", support for capacity building of the creative business incubator

Based on the unique concept of a tri-polar structural device (e-training, e-support and e-financing platforms), the PAPRICAI+ project aims to strengthen the pedagogical and operational capacities of the PAPRICAI incubator. Through a revitalisation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and an improvement of the institutional framework of the creative and digital sector in Togo, this project will contribute to the improvement of creativity, professionalisation and competitiveness of artists and creators operating in the digital environment. This ambitious project will ultimately benefit project leaders, entrepreneurial support structures and innovative companies and startups in the cultural and creative sector.

A look at planned productions
- strengthening the structural capacities and competitiveness of the incubator
- boosting the competitiveness of 100 digital start-ups
- creating a community of 20 creative entrepreneurship support structures
- helping to finance 100 innovative creative start-ups

Focus on ADEC
The Agence de Développement des Entreprises Culturelles has a vision of culture as a driver for socio-economic development in developing countries. Equipped with state-of-the-art human and technological resources, it excels in cultural engineering, the promotion and development of creative innovation and entrepreneurship.

Togo Art Connection

Arterial Network Togo is a dynamic network of committed artists, cultural activists, associations and cultural and creative institutions. Its mission: to promote and defend cultural diversity through an organisational framework of national operators and stakeholders from all sectors of the arts and culture.

By bringing together international and local stakeholders in the performing arts for the first time via a (physical and digital) platform for networking stakeholders in the performing arts sector, the Togo Art Connection project aims to strengthen the production of quality artistic creations in Togo, to further engage local audiences in a dialogue with the performing arts and to grant more economic and structural independence to the Togolese cultural scene.